Moodle Mobile App

Moodle Mobile (MM) is the new official mobile app for Moodle. It is developed and maintained by Moodle HQ, replacing the old ‘My Moodle’ app that we reviewed sometime ago. The new app is a HTML5-based client that connects to an installed Moodle server. It is also cross-platform compatible and optimised for smart phone and tablet devices.

The ‘new’ app contains the ‘old’ app features, plus:

  • Push notifications
  • Mobile and tablet versions
  • Support for contrib plugins
  • Support for external settings
  • Support for external translation
  • New development and debugging features
moodle mobile app phone
moodle mobile app ipad
moodle mobile app ipad2

In summary, the app does not try to replicate everything Moodle does, but rather, provides useful features best suited to a mobile device – for example, audio and video capture and uploading, offline content access, messaging and notifications etc. Future versions are scheduled to include calendar sync, offline browsing and posting in forums and offline grading.

Follow the link to download the free Moodle Mobile app for iPhone and iPad. Your site must be running at least Moodle 2.4, your administrator must activate Mobile web services and you require a valid user account for the site.
