
The LMS Buying Handbook

Buying a LMS is a big investment of time and money and it will impact everyone in your organisation. The LMS Buying Handbook details key considerations before making a purchasing decision.

Inevitably, the critical stage of the LMS buying process is deciding on a platform. So, how do you choose the right LMS for your organisation? There is no shortage of options on the market, ranging from traditional licensed software to open source options. 

In our experience, open source software offers greater flexibility, affordability and scalability then the licensed model.

What do we need to understand before making a purchasing decision?

During the research phase, it is important to get an understanding of implementation options, pricing and licensing models, the difference between open-source and proprietary software, things to avoid and questions to ask vendors.

The Handbook

Evaluating learning management systems can be a tricky process. Our guide aims to help you make sense of the technical jargon, ask the right questions and ultimately make the best decision for your organisation. The handbook includes:

  • LMS implementation models
  • Pricing licensing models
  • Open-source versus proprietary LMS
  • How to avoid pitfalls
  • Questions to evaluate your LMS


Download your Handbook now
