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Tag: Social learning
Enterprise Social Network

Research shows that 70% of workplace learning takes place in real-life, on-the-job experiences, so you need clever systems that support informal and social learning activities.

Blogging as a training activity

I remember the first time I was asked to write a blog for a piece of assessment for a writing course. The idea was to write a 300 word blog on a grammar topic of my choice. It was meant to teach me how to use words succinctly and structure grammatically correct sentences.

Social learning and your organisation

Social learning is an important part of how we learn and share our experiences. The distinction between social media and social learning is an important one to make. We look at how you can integrate social learning into your organisationā€™s learning culture.

Social media and e-learning

Social media has integrated into every aspect of our daily lives: business and social. Learning and development professionals can use social tools to create effective and interactive solutions for their organisation. We look at how social media can support e-learning.

Social Learning

The concept of social learning refers to the capacity for a group of individuals to engage with each other, for the purpose of shared understanding.

Totara – Social Learning

Totara supports the popular 70:20:10 learning model which has a strong focus on informal and workplace learning. With Totara, employees can network, share ideas and