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Tag: MWP
Moodle Workplace 4.0
Moodle Workplace 4.0 is here

We’re proud to announce the latest release of our premium learning solution, Moodle Workplace 4.0!

Creating calm in the workplace_moodle
Creating a calm and productive workplace – Part 2

It’s no surprise that noise and a lack of privacy are a major cause of irritation in the workplace. The trend towards open plan office areas poses the challenge of maintaining employee privacy and minimising distraction for those in earshot of the speaker.

Multi-tenancy with Moodle Workplace
Multi-tenancy – do we need it?

Perfect solutions can be harder to find than unicorns; it’s a universal constant that every upside typically has a downside. This certainly applies to education technology too, including the multi-tenant capability available in the Moodle Workplace.

The benefit of learning paths

In the last few years, the workplace landscape has experienced massive changes at an unprecedented rate. On one hand, companies are facing the great resignation while trying to solve digital transformation and address skills gaps. On the other hand, learning and development is becoming increasingly important for employees, and a key driver of performance and permanence at work.

Automating workflows with Moodle Workplace

Managing administrative tasks are a repetitive and time consuming aspect of managing organisational learning and development. Staying up to date on the enrolment, progress, and

LMS buying handbook
LMS + HR integration

Attracting, retaining and upskilling the right talent is crucial for organisations to remain competitive and achieve business goals. Both Human Resources and Learning and Development

Leverage your LMS for remote onboarding

When it comes to retaining talent in an organisation, first impressions do matter. With 22% of staff resigning within the first 45 days of employment, having a strong, engaging onboarding process is key to avoiding employee turnover.

The Workplace in 2021
Sharing content with multi-tenancy

There are two ways that sharing content with multi-tenancy can be facilitated with Moodle Workplace, by either using shared courses or shared space. Shared courses

A shift in perspective - an employee focus
Understanding roles in Moodle Workplace

One of the key benefits of Moodle Workplace is the ability to have multiple iterations of your organisation’s learning management system sitting on a single