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Tag: Learning Management System
What you need to know about Totara

Totara is an open source distribution of Moodle and perfect to meet the corporate sector’s need for a learning management system. Totara provides an engaging learning portal that is designed for workplace training environments and links the knowledge, skills, and experience of your staff.

LMS: do you have the right one for your organisation?

A robust learning management system (LMS) should help learning professionals manage a wide range of learning functions: it will be a depository for course catalogues, schedules, certifications. It can also manage curricula, courses, tests, and surveys delivered via e-learning and online classroom environments.

5 LMS Decision Making Myths Debunked

Investing in a learning management system (LMS) is not a decision your organisation should take lightly. While a LMS can yield an excellent return on

LMS Report 2010

The eLearning Guild recently published a report titled ‘Learning Management Systems’, 2010 written by Patti Shank Ph.D. Between the period August 2008 and August 2010,

Learning Management Systems for Business

There is no doubt that Australia is a well connected and technology pervasive country. Current business, social and technology data points to a growing trend

LMS Report 2008

In a recent research report conducted by the e-Learning Guild, leading commercial and open-source learning management systems were analysed. The report is titled: “Learning Management