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Tag: e-learning
The Future of Authoring Tools

The e-Learning Guild has updated a survey, “The Next Generation of Asynchronous Authoring Tools:  What Practitioners want in 2017”  that offers some surprising insights into how eLearning delivery

HTML5 for elearning design

Shifting towards HTML5 helps L&D professionals deliver and access content faster, easier, and cheaper across all platforms and operating systems.

6 steps to an effective learning strategy

When creating a learning strategy, an organisation needs to consider the culture, strategic leadership, challenges and trends as well as business goals. Here’s our six steps to an effective learning strategy.

E-Learning Trends for 2014

The E-Learning industry continues to grow and at the recent International Congress on elearning 2013 several key trends were identified. My Learning Space has covered the majority of these trends throughout the years, so we’ve put together what we think will continue to trend amid the elearning industry and what businesses should consider incorporating into their learning and development strategy.

6 ways to create engaging e-learning

Designing e-learning that engages the learner and creates a positive learning experience requires expert knowledge and skill. We share six ideas instructional designers need to consider.

What is e-learning?

Many people get confused by e-learning and overcomplicate things. As e-learning industry experts, we often get asked “what is e-learning and how do I make

What is Blended Learning?

Blended learning is the latest buzz word in education and learning circles, but what exactly is it? Simply put, it is the blend or mix

SCORM – The Good, Bad and Ugly

SCORM is often paraded as an effective solution for online learning. This article examines its pedagogical inefficacy and challenges the view held by many from non-education backgrounds,

LMS Report 2010

The eLearning Guild recently published a report titled ‘Learning Management Systems’, 2010 written by Patti Shank Ph.D. Between the period August 2008 and August 2010,

Top 10 Tools for Learning in 2009

In no particular order, we’ve listed our 10 favourite web tools for teachers. Eleven, actually! We hope they are of value to you and your