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Tag: Blended Learning
Tips for Taking Your Training Online

The idea of taking your face-to-face training online is an attractive one for many companies that want to save time and money. Before you head

What type of trainer are you?

Technology has changed the way we learn and staff is demanding training to help them perform better. Learners are becoming demanding. So, how does the 21st century trainer respond to their demands?

Instructor-led training vs online facilitation

L&D professionals throughout the duration of their career will deliver both instructor-led training and online facilitated courses. The two key skills in both these environments are communication and engagement. We look at the two different learning environments and the skills you need for both.

Blended learning

Blended learning may not be new but remains relevant to many learning and development professionals. It comprises of face to face learning, web-based technologies such as web-conferencing as well as e-learning.

Totara – Blended Learning

Totara LMS recognises the need that businesses have to manage fully blended learning programs with a mix of learning interventions. Totara allows you to manage

What is Blended Learning?

Blended learning is the latest buzz word in education and learning circles, but what exactly is it? Simply put, it is the blend or mix